Our Postgraduate Education Programs

"Occupational Health and Safety Doctorate Program" was opened at Iğdır University
"Occupational Health and Safety Doctorate Program" was opened within the Iğdır University Graduate Education Institute.
In order to improve the quality of education and promote internationalization, Iğdır University has continued its efforts tirelessly and added a new doctoral program to its offerings. The university's proposal to establish a "Doctoral Program in Occupational Health and Safety" has been approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
On the other hand, as of the Fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year, the Occupational Health and Safety Department Doctoral Program has officially begun admitting students.

Iğdır University Occupational Health and Safety Distance Learning Non-Thesis Master's Program has been opened.
Iğdır University has met the criteria for establishing a graduate program in Occupational Health and Safety as outlined in the Council of Higher Education’s letter dated 07.06.2017 and numbered 39164. In this context, our university began admitting students into the thesis and non-thesis Master’s Programs in the Department of Occupational Health and Safety within the Graduate Education Institute as of the Fall semester of the 2018-2019 academic year.